English Edition Editorial: Individual responsibility in tackling the energy crisisEurope has at long last realised that its energy dependence on Russia is catastrophic, and it has already begun the process of procuring energy from other suppliers. 08/10/2022 21:50
English Edition Editorial: Bolder government initiatives needed for inflation crisisThere is a clear prospect that the accumulated burden of current and previous crises will have an explosive impact on household budgets, and by extension on social cohesion. 07/10/2022 22:04
English Edition Editorial: Providing sufficient heating for schoolsGuaranteeing sufficient heating at state schools, which are operating in an environment with a continuing pandemic and seasonal flu, requires close attention and greater care. 06/10/2022 21:37
English Edition Editorial: Vigilance in handling energy crisisThere is a positive basis for the Greek government’s proposal for a ceiling on gas prices, which some time ago seemed outlandish but today has gained ground. 28/09/2022 22:13
English Edition Editorial: Collective effort for a tough winterWithin a time span of fewer than three years, when Greeks were first confronted with the pandemic, citizens must carefully consider how they will handle the new realities. 06/09/2022 18:53
English Edition Editorial: Natural gas subsidies for householdsIn Greece, many households and businesses that in previous years relied on heating fuel later opted for natural gas because it was cheaper. 02/09/2022 16:35
English Edition Editorial: Messages from the marketsIf there is one thing that the European debt crisis has taught us it is that if one eurozone member is under attack from the markets, all of them are in danger in the end. 26/08/2022 23:48
English Edition Editorial: The need for a steady social benefits policyThe number of applications in the two phases of the Fuel Pass (auto fuel subsidies) programme is the clearest indication of the needs created by the hike in fuel costs. 11/08/2022 20:53
English Edition Editorial: A model programmeThe great response and demand of citizens for the Fuel Pass 2 [a state automobile fuel subsidy] is most indicative of the needs of society and serves as a model. 02/08/2022 22:07
English Edition Editorial: Meeting financial obligationsThe time had come for the government to consider measures that would offer rewards to responsible citizens and an incentive for those who were not 16/07/2022 21:50
English Edition Mike Pompeo: ‘I am concerned about a long-term structural shortage of energy resources’The former US Secretary of State says Erdogan’s tactics ‘do not befit good neighbourly relations between two NATO member states’, only way to confront Putin ‘adequate show of force’. 11/07/2022 10:00
English Edition Editorial: The dynamic of the Greek economyUndoubtedly, the Greek economy’s good Q1 performance is based on exports and in part on domestic consumption, which reflects its dynamic and endurance. 08/06/2022 20:42
English Edition Editorial: Market checks everywhereTimely measures against price gouging does not mean that the market will not sooner or later self-regulate, as it often has in the past with no one losing out. 08/03/2022 21:50
English Edition Mitsotakis says Greece has ensured its energy supplies to weather crisisThe PM said that Greece as at a matter of principle respects the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence of all countries, and therefore condemns raw violence. 24/02/2022 13:12
English Edition Editorial: Attention must be paidIt is inconceivable to view inflation merely as a natural phenomenon. It is something that must be fended off. Our country has the capability and the weapons to get through this continual 'war' 11/11/2021 15:44
09/02/2025 11:55 Κυκλάδες: Σταθερή σεισμική ακολουθία παρατηρούν οι ειδικοί – «Δεν αυξάνεται η ανύψωση»