English Edition Editorial: A return to the pastMr. Tsipras declared that, “We are the par excellence party of self-criticism.” Yet, he acknowledged no errors and offered no indication that he has abandoned his populist past. 20/09/2021 17:16
English Edition Editorial: YouthNo other government promised so much only to break one after another of the pledges that it handed out right and left. 10/06/2019 03:14
English Edition Editorial: HorizonsThe electoral horizon can be measured by opinion polls but also by the results of the European Parliament election in May. 01/04/2019 15:45
English Edition Editorial: Raising the bar The SYRIZA-Independent Greeks coalition is rushing to make citizens believe that the country is returning to normalcy and that due to its goodness it is handing out money and hiring pledges right and left. 24/12/2018 12:59
English Edition Editorial: StragglersGreece will stay at the tail end of eurozone states, and Greeks who are in the lower economic brackets of salaried employees will remain the poor relatives in the family. 17/12/2018 13:28
English Edition Editorial: AdagesThose parties which were condemned by the government as constituting the “old” political system left their old bad habits behind, and the “new regime” copied all those habits in a bid to ensure its political survival. 13/12/2018 14:55
English Edition Editorial Weekend Edition: EnduranceIt would be disastrous for the government to create yet another crisis within a crisis through a new round of imprudent policies. 10/12/2018 12:47
English Edition Editorial: IllusionsIt would be a potentially fatal error for society to believe that the economy is back on track. In fact, there is a long road ahead. 01/12/2018 23:14
English Edition Editorial: NarrativeThe problem is the PM's untrammeled pledges of handouts, the en masse civil service hiring, and the salary hikes for those affiliated with the ruling party. 29/11/2018 19:11
English Edition Editorial: ImperativeTheodoros Fessas, the head of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, underlined that “All politicians, on both sides [the two largest political parties] are distributing money which does not exist,” he said. 05/10/2018 12:43
English Edition Editorial: Pledges of handoutsThe government is returning to the policies of civil service hiring and welfare benefits, implemented between 2004 and 2009, with disastrous results. 16/09/2018 17:08
English Edition Editorial: IllusionsGreek citizens know what the post-bailout reality is. They are absolutely cognizant of the fact that that there will be a long, uphill road. 07/09/2018 15:40
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