English Edition Editorial: Political stabilityIn dismissing snap elections, the PM expressed his trust in the public, which is facing difficulties in making ends meet but knows that Vladimir Putin is responsible and not Mitsotakis. 09/07/2022 21:41
English Edition Editorial: NormalcyCitizens who voted the current government into office in 2019 seriously took into account the commitment of the ruling party’s leader that he could ensure a return to normalcy, and normalcy entails stable electoral cycles. 19/09/2021 23:49
English Edition Editorial: The sole pathAccess to the markets is not prohibitive for normal economies. No normal economy has been saddled with the straight-jacket of huge primary surpluses. 20/01/2019 00:45
Έντυπη Έκδοση - English Edition Editorial: The sole pathDespite the Prime Minister’s pronouncements that the country has returned to normalcy, it is clear that the economy has a long way to go to become that of a “regular” country. Access to the markets is not prohibitive for normal economies. No normal economy has been saddled with the straight-jacket of huge primary surpluses. No […] Πρώτη Δημοσιεύση:20/01/2019 00:14
English Edition Editorial: Dispelling the fogEconomic analysts and major financial players are underlining that political uncertainty can have an exceptionally negative impact on the course of the economy. 15/01/2019 13:47
English Edition Parliamentary majority hangs in the balance, snap election possibleAt a crucial meeting on 11 January, junior coalition partner Panos Kammenos will make clear whether he and his party will continue to be part of the government’s parliamentary majority 10/01/2019 00:53
English Edition Foreign envoys, investors seek political, economic stability in 2019 election yearThough foreign embassies rarely involve themselves publicly in domestic affairs, it is clear that SYRIZA has many reasons to be pleased by their treatment of the government. 26/12/2018 16:13
12/01/2025 19:01 Σπαραγμός και οργή στην κηδεία του αδικοχαμένου Παναγιώτη – Στο νοσοκομείο η μητέρα του
12/01/2025 17:49 Συγκρούσεις διαδηλωτών με την Αστυνομία στην Ιταλία: Για τον θάνατο 19χρονου που δεν είχε σταματήσει σε έλεγχο