If in Greece the coronavirus did not wreak the that it did in other countries it is because Greek society exhibited maturity and prudence.

Despite any sort of Mediterranean temperament or what some might consider as Greek idiosyncrasy , the vast majority of citizens abided by the guidelines set by scientists and enforced through decisions of the state.

By doing so they contributed decisively to managing the pandemic and there is now reason to believe that this adventure will end in a positive manner in this country.

However, we are not yet at the end. The outcome of the battle has not yet been definitively decided, especially because of the temptation to celebrate Easter in the traditional manner as a feast with large gatherings of relatives and friends and customs that Greeks faithfully follow each year regardless of whether or not they are religious.

Greek Easter is marked with a great social coming together, more so than on any other religious holiday throughout the year.

However strong bonds of family and friendship may be and however great our love of tradition it is necessary to celebrate Easter in a different manner this year – in a very closed circle and without the gatherings that bring us together in every celebration.

This time we must distance ourselves from others in order to win this battle as a society.

In this regard Ta Nea joins its voice with the pleas of the state, the scientific community, and the enlightened Metropolitan bishops of the Orthodox Church of Greece for the citizenry to abide by the strict public health guidelines that are being enforced throughout society.

For us to celebrate Easter all together next year we must celebrate at a distance this year.