English Edition Editorial: Political stabilityIn dismissing snap elections, the PM expressed his trust in the public, which is facing difficulties in making ends meet but knows that Vladimir Putin is responsible and not Mitsotakis. 09/07/2022 21:41
English Edition Editorial: Speeding up reformsHealth, the economy, foreign policy issues, the reform and streamlining of the state, and education are just some of the sectors that can speed up legislative and other affairs 08/07/2022 22:26
English Edition Editorial: NormalcyCitizens who voted the current government into office in 2019 seriously took into account the commitment of the ruling party’s leader that he could ensure a return to normalcy, and normalcy entails stable electoral cycles. 19/09/2021 23:49
English Edition Editorial: The conundrum of early electionsThe perceived intention that most people in the PM's pledges, snap elections, was denied categorically by the government, which argued that relief measures are simply a “growth dividend”. 15/09/2021 19:31
English Edition Editorial: The need for electoral stabilityPrime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis was right when he said at his Thessaloniki International Fair news conference yesterday that most times snap elections are a matter of political tactics. 13/09/2021 15:24
English Edition Editorial: Open secret Because the government finds itself in a sticky wicket, there is little political time left and the suffocating political conditions appear to be bringing the time of election nearer. 20/12/2018 17:18
12/01/2025 19:01 Σπαραγμός και οργή στην κηδεία του αδικοχαμένου Παναγιώτη – Στο νοσοκομείο η μητέρα του
12/01/2025 17:49 Συγκρούσεις διαδηλωτών με την Αστυνομία στην Ιταλία: Για τον θάνατο 19χρονου που δεν είχε σταματήσει σε έλεγχο