English Edition Editorial: The power of the political centrePrime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has turned his attention to moderate voters and is attempting to fashion a technocratic, “rational” image of his government. 04/06/2022 18:19
English Edition Editorial: A new generation at the helm in PASOKHistoric and well-known cadres are passing the torch to new ones, who will help the PASOK succeed in the future, after a dark decade of floundering for the historic party. 24/05/2022 20:29
English Edition Mitsotakis no longer rules out early elections, possible autumn dates floatedIf a coalition government were to be formed, the most desirable partner for ND would be PASOK, whose new leader Nikos Androulakis has for now ruled out the prospect. 19/05/2022 22:31
English Edition Op-Ed: AmnesiaAlthough nobody denies that Greece had allowed dysfunctions to fester for years, the course of public debt and of deficits demonstrates that they skyrocketed in the 2004-2009 period [on Karamanlis’ watch]. 10/02/2022 21:22
English Edition Editorial: ChangesSYRIZA is finding it difficult to pick up opposition speed and appears not to have fully understood the role of a main opposition party and can no longer pose past dilemmas. 17/01/2022 16:45
English Edition Editorial: The great wager of the Greek centre-leftTen years ago, we witnessed a political upset. SYRIZA sufficiently chipped away at PASOK’s electoral base and became one of the two predominant poles of the Greek political system. 20/12/2021 17:39
Uncategorized The race for the top: Greek elections over the decadesThe spread between the two top parties in the last 40 years reflects the political mileu at any given point. Between 1974 and September, 2015, we have interesting findings. 07/07/2019 20:13
English Edition Editorial: Manufacturing scandalsIn democratic countries attempts to manufacture guilty parties do not go unpunished. Those responsible are held to account by the justice system. 11/04/2019 15:19
English Edition Editorial: OpportunityThere is a fortuitous confluence of events for the Movement for Change as it has become apparent that SYRIZA’s opening to the centre-left is a failure. 31/03/2019 04:15
English Edition Editorial: AnnulmentOne cannot but agree that the manner in which certaing Pasok cadres moved to SYRIZA creates the impression that the PM is in panic 18/02/2019 13:52
English Edition Editorial: Legacy Andreas Papandreou is not remembered for crafting post-dictatorship politics, but rather because of the democratic achievements that it entailed, which were hardly a given at that time. 05/02/2019 13:53
English Edition Editorial: AdagesThose parties which were condemned by the government as constituting the “old” political system left their old bad habits behind, and the “new regime” copied all those habits in a bid to ensure its political survival. 13/12/2018 14:55
English Edition Editorial: SymbolSimitis has unwittingly been transformed into a symbol of resistance against all those who, armed with fake news and fetid propaganda, dream of becoming the Maduros or Erdogans of Greece. 20/11/2018 14:17
English Edition Editorial: AnniversaryForty-four years ago today, in 1974, a politician who left his imprint on the post-dictatorship history of Greece, Andreas Papandreou, founded the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (Pasok). 03/09/2018 20:31
English Edition Cabinet reshuffle signals bid to expand SYRIZA’s political baseThe objective of the reshuffle was to give the government a new momentum and to broaden SYRIZA’s political base ahead of the next general elections. 28/08/2018 21:41
Πολιτική Γεννηματά: Μοιράζουν μια θέση εργασίας στα δυο και ο κ. Τσίπρας πανηγυρίζει«Στρατηγική επιλογή μας είναι η πλήρης απασχόληση και η αξιοπρέπεια του εργαζόμενου και βασική μας προτεραιότητα είναι η δημιουργία νέων θέσεων εργασίας». Αυτό τόνισε, μεταξύ άλλων, η πρόεδρος του ΠΑΣΟΚ και επικεφαλής της Δημοκρατικής Συμπαράταξης Φώφη Γεννηματά, μιλώντας κατά τη διάρκεια εκδήλωσης που πραγματοποιήθηκε απόψε στην Πάτρα. Η Φώφη Γεννηματά έκανε εκτενή αναφορά σε εργασιακά […] 03/11/2017 23:58
12/01/2025 19:01 Σπαραγμός και οργή στην κηδεία του αδικοχαμένου Παναγιώτη – Στο νοσοκομείο η μητέρα του
12/01/2025 17:49 Συγκρούσεις διαδηλωτών με την Αστυνομία στην Ιταλία: Για τον θάνατο 19χρονου που δεν είχε σταματήσει σε έλεγχο
12/01/2025 17:45 «Ξεμούδιασμα» με Μιλουτίνοφ και Ντόρσεϊ για τον Ολυμπιακό και τώρα «διαβολοβδομάδα» και Παναθηναϊκός
12/01/2025 15:40 Τροχαίο στα Χανιά: Σήμερα η κηδεία του 22χρονου Παναγιώτη – Νοσηλεύεται η μητέρα του
12/01/2025 19:31 Ποια ήταν η πραγματική σχέση του Γουίλιαμ με τον Χάρι πριν τη διαμάχη; Η θλιβερή επιστολή της Νταϊάνα