English Edition Editorial: PolakisismTsipras’ flirt with centrist voters lasted only a few days, as did the rebuke of the Chania, Crete, MP, who immediately unleashed new threats in the social media. 20/03/2023 21:18
English Edition Editorial: LimitsThe way SYRIZA cadres – and others, unfortunately – characterise their political opponents demonstrates that as elections approach, the level of toxicity increases. 09/02/2023 21:02
English Edition Reuters: Austerity, unemployment behind ND lanslide'I am committed to fewer taxes, many investments, for good and new jobs, and growth which will bring better salaries and higher pensions in an efficient state' Mitsotakis said. 08/07/2019 02:14
English Edition Mitsotakis wins in landslide, Tsipras announces ‘dynamic opposition’The cabinet is scheduled to be sworn in on 9 July and the first cabinet meeting is scheduled for 10 July. 07/07/2019 21:45
Uncategorized The race for the top: Greek elections over the decadesThe spread between the two top parties in the last 40 years reflects the political mileu at any given point. Between 1974 and September, 2015, we have interesting findings. 07/07/2019 20:13
English Edition Marinakis welcomes political change following elections'Today we Greeks have a duty to honour our highest right as citizens. We are taking the fate of Greece in our hands and we are choosing the future of our children,' Marinakis said. 07/07/2019 16:47
English Edition Editorial: CrimeThe government exceeded primary surplus targets by taking from the many so as to hand out electoral benefits to the few. 19/05/2019 02:27
English Edition Editorial: DesperationPrime Minister Alexis Tsipras told the Financial Times in an interview that he is not going to base his electoral campaign on charity or handouts. 25/04/2019 14:56
English Edition Editorial: ChallengesIn the economy, careful steps and even more so prudence are needed, especially since the international environment of late has been especially unstable. 30/12/2018 01:22
English Edition Editorial: Raising the bar The SYRIZA-Independent Greeks coalition is rushing to make citizens believe that the country is returning to normalcy and that due to its goodness it is handing out money and hiring pledges right and left. 24/12/2018 12:59
English Edition Editorial: Open secret Because the government finds itself in a sticky wicket, there is little political time left and the suffocating political conditions appear to be bringing the time of election nearer. 20/12/2018 17:18
17/09/2024 21:00 Τιμωρία στη Λιόν από την UEFA – Τι σημαίνει αυτό για την αναμέτρηση κόντρα στον Ολυμπιακό
17/09/2024 20:19 «Να απευθυνθεί στη δικαιοσύνη» - Η πλευρά Κασσελάκη απαντά στη Νοτοπουλου για το bullying