English Edition Zaev: We changed name to get recognition of ‘Macedonian identity’'The Macedonian language is the language of the Macedonians in Australia, America, Canada, Switzerland, and Germany, and no one disputes that,' Zaev declared. 28/03/2019 16:18
English Edition BBC, Sputnik reports on ‘Macedonian’ minority in Greece stir outrageCritics say the Prespa Agreement leaves plenty of room for misinterpretation and exploitation by forces which wish to stir problems and push for the recognition of a “Macedonian minority in Greece”. 26/02/2019 18:09
English Edition Zaev avoids reference to his country as North Macedonia'With the Prespa Agreement, Greece accepted the right of self-identification and that no one any longer can deny our right to be Macedonians who speak the Macedonian language in this land,' Zaev said 31/01/2019 16:42
English Edition Editorial: ChoicesThis chasm between the country’s name on the one hand and its ethnicity and language on the other leaves a bitter taste for almost all Greek citizens, as was evidenced in the recent rallies and opinion polls. 27/01/2019 03:31
English Edition Editorial: InkThe agreement recognises that that country is inhabited by Macedonians and not North Macedonians and that they speak Macedonian and not a South Slavic language. 25/01/2019 20:54
English Edition Days before constitutional amendments are to be approved, Zaev defends Prespa AccordAs for the accord’s recognition of a “Macedonian language”, Zaev said that there is already a UN decision clarifying that FYROM’s language belongs to the family of South Slavic languages. 04/01/2019 13:54
English Edition Kotzias, Dimitrov had agreed to name ‘Republic of Ilinden Macedonia’ in Greece-FYROM naming talksThe government has not answered basic questions about secret understandings reached by Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias and PM Alexis Tsipras [with the FYROM side], behind the back of opposition parties and the Greek people. 02/10/2018 17:34
11/02/2025 20:00 Στο νοσοκομείο με λοίμωξη του αναπνευστικού ο παλαίμαχος παίκτης του Ολυμπιακού, Σάββας Παπάζογλου