The strategy of tension that the SYRIZA-Independent Greeks coalition government has opted for in its confrontation with the opposition and the press – which it had declared its ultimate enemy, in violation of all democratic principles – is not unrelated to one of its basic aims: to persuade the public that its narrative about a “clean exit” from the bailout memorandum is not only viable, but has practical results.

That aim was condensed in a statement by the prime minister yesterday in Lemnos: “No one can tell us what to do anymore.”

That phrase alone indicates that in its effort to achieve its electoral aims, the government will adopt more high-pitched, aggressive tones, on all fronts and all levels, including in its relations with Greece’s creditors.

This is a calculated return to the “days of 2015”, the cost of which may once again prove to be incalculable.

The fear of backpedaling is reflected in the European Commission’s report, which lowers the projected growth rate to 1.9 percent, and signals that pensions must be cut, in January, 2019, as agreed to with creditors.

It remains to be seen if we are at the beginning of a new tug-of-war.

Experience has shown that a strategy of tension – either with polarisation at home or confrontation abroad – is anything but beneficial to the country.